Sunday, March 31, 2013

First and Second Graders on the Bimah!

Today was a lovely day at Religious School.  Our first and second graders spent much of the day together, first watching "The Seder on Planet Matzah Ball" and then visiting the library to listen to the story, "Sammy the Spider's first Passover."  Then the two classes met in the Sanctuary to practice singing the Barchu and Shema.  After a little bit of independent work in their classrooms, they joined the whole Religious School community, and many of their parents, in the Sanctuary to help Rabbi Offner lead services as they sang the Barchu and Shema up on the bimah!

The Seder on Planet Matzah Ball (DVD) Cover Art

The third and fourth graders started their day by reading a Passover story in both English and Hebrew then started reviewing many of the Hebrew vocabulary words that they have learned.  Ask your third or fourth grader how to say various body parts, days of the week, family relations, snow, storm and a variety of other words.  In honor of Passover, the students started watching "Prince of Egypt."

Fifth graders were busy preparing for next Sunday as they will present the V'Ahavtah to the school during Tefillah next Sunday, April 7th.  The kids also began their Holocaust study in honor of Yom HaShoah.  Students also discussed which songs mean the most to them.  This Wednesday, the students will participate in the famous, fifth grade Chocolate Seder!  Look for an email from Miss K, the fifth grade teacher, for more information.

Sixth grade spent a good portion of their lesson today talking about Jews in the US during the Great Depression.  They also discussed Sandy Koufax and the Antisemitism he encountered as a professional baseball player.  Students also participated in some speed Hebrew reading, a fast-paced games that allows each student to take a turn reading a few words or phrases in Hebrew before another student in chosen to read.

The seventh graders continued their work with root words and suffixes and read the Amidah in their Hebrew book.  Students finished their Passover work by reading from the Hagaddah then watched the movie Defiance and visited the library

The eighth graders discussed Tikun Olam and why it is a Jewish value to do good in the world.  They brainstormed ways that they could do good in the world and at TBT.  Ultimately they decided to plan a mitzvah project at TBT in which they plant flowers for the spring time.

The Confirmation class continues to prepare for their upcoming Confirmation service.  Today they reviewed their Torah portion, which includes the Ten Commandments, and discussed why this portion is chosen for the Confirmation service.

This coming Sunday the Fifth grade will present the V'Ahavtah during Tefillah.  Please join us for the service!

-Miss Nancy Kahrimanis

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