Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yesterday's Snowy Hebrew day!

Yesterday at Religious School we were very productive while the first snow of the season fell outside.  As a reminder, Rabbi Offner's Installation is this Shabbat and all Religious School students are invited to participate in the service.  See the flyer below for information:

The seventh grade worked on their prayers, practicing the Avot V'Imahot and G'Vurot and the Friday night Kiddush.  The students also continued reading in their Holocaust text book, reading and discussing Kristallnacht.

I was lucky to spend some time working with the fifth and sixth grade students at the start class.  We read some of the brachot that the fifth graders have been studying in class, taking turns, sounding out the words, and translating.  The fifth graders worked with Mr. Singer reading prayers in their Hebrew text book in small groups and then started working on their Life Cycle curriculum.  Be sure to speak with your fifth grader about the topics they cover in class so that you can share your family's traditions and add your own stories to the topics they cover.  Not only will it enrich their classroom experiences, but it will serve as a platform to share your family history.

The sixth graders worked on Hebrew roots.  The first being Hey Lamed Lamed, praise.  The students read from their text books, identified the root, reviewed how the root changed in different parts of speech and translated phrases and words that students have encountered in prayers.

The third and fourth grade class reviewed the vowel sounds and broke into two groups to review the sounds and the names.  While Ms Besser worked with one half of the class while I was able to review with the other class.  Both groups showed that they were able to pronounce both the letter and vowel sounds and name each of the vowels.  As the students continue to put the sounds together, they get closer and closer to reading Hebrew independently.  The students went to the library and talked about Tzedakah, reading Partners by Deborah Shayne Syme and Bagels from Benny by Aubrey Davis.  Homework is to practice the letters and vowels from class and to try to read lines 1-5 on page 28 of their Hebrew text, A Better Hebrew Primer."

Thanks!  I hope to see you this Shabbat as we celebrate Rabbi Offner's Installation and again on Sunday for Religious School.

-Miss Nancy Kahrimanis

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